

What Does LG Mean in a Text?

LG means "Little Girl" or "Lucky-Goldstar." LG does not mean "Life's Good."

Little Girl

The term LG is used for girls (typically under the age of 14) who dress like older teenagers to enhance their image and popularity. For example, LGs will often wear clothing designed to be sexy, carry accessories that belie their years, and wear makeup. LGs are also sometimes known as JB (Jail Bait).

The term LG can also be used to refer to adult women who dress as young girls to attract partners who might find this sexy. Wearing the classic schoolgirl outfit would be an example of an adult dressing as an LG.

Lucky-Goldstar (not Life's Good)

In the 1980s, the abbreviation LG stood for Lucky-Goldstar. The name Lucky-Goldstar comes from an amalgamation of the South Korean plastics company "Lak Hui" (pronounced Lucky) and GoldStar Co. Ltd, which was established by Lak Hui in 1958. Lucky Goldstar was renamed to LG in 1995. It is often thought that LG stands for "Life's Good," but this is the company's advertising tagline rather than an expansion of its name.

Image for LG

When I write LG, I mean this:

meaning of LG

LG can mean "Little Girl" or "Lucky-Goldstar." It does not mean "Life's Good."

Summary of Key Points

"Little Girl" is the most common definition for LG on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Definition:Little Girl
Guessability:guessability level 4
4: Difficult to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Second Definition of LG

"Lucky-Goldstar" (not "Life's Good") is another definition for LG:
Guessability:guessability level 5
4: Extremely difficult to guess
Typical Users:typical user


Examples of LG in Sentences

Here are examples of LG being used in conversations:
  • Mark: I was talking to a girl last night for hours. It turns out she was 14! I ran a mile!
  • Jordan: Be careful! Those LGs are everywhere.
  • Tony: I've got a new TV! It's an LG.
  • Jordan: Nice! LG is a top brand!
  • Tony: Really? I thought LG was Korean.
  • Jordan: Hey! I'm half Korean! LG is justifiably expensive.

Example of LG Used in a Text

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