

What Does _ (Underscore) Mean?

homesitemapsearch icons_ (UNDERSCORE) MEANING
image of an underscore

In text messaging, the underscore symbol _ is used to show confusion or irritation, or to indicate that the sender is thinking about something. It also features as part of many popular emoticons. Here's more information about the various uses of the underscore, with examples of use.

Confusion, Irritation or Thinking

In text-based chat, the underscore symbol is used with a number of different meanings. Usually, it indicates confusion or irritation on the part of the sender, but it could also show they are thinking of an appropriate response to something that has just been sent. For example:
  • Toni: I told you that was going to happen.
  • Jo: _. (Confused.)
  • Jo: When?
  • Toni: When you split with Sam.
  • Jo: _. Irritated.)
  • Jo: You said you would never bring that up again.
  • Toni: You said you would never do it again. Now what are you going to do?
  • Jo: _. (Thinking.)
In this conversation, Jo would appear to be a big fan of the underscore symbol, and Toni obviously knows Jo well enough to understand what he/she wants to say!


The underscore is also used in a number of emoticons (graphical representations of emotion), often to form part of a face. For example:
  • ('_') = Boredom.
  • *_* = Love.
  • ._. = Apathy, disappointment, or resignation.
  • ?_? = Confusion.
  • @_@ = Astonishment.
  • ^_^ = Contentment.
  • -_- = Annoyance, boredom, or tiredness.
  • >_< = Frustration.
  • O_O = Confusion or shock.
While emoticons have become largely obsolete in many messaging applications, a few have persisted. Primarily, they're utilized by those who are considered "old school," though members of most generations sometimes use them. This might be because emoticons can often appear more personal or "cuter" than emojis.

For a complete list of emoticons, check out our icons and emoticons page.

Don't miss our interactive list of every emoji!

Image for underscore meaning

When I write _, I mean this:

meaning of underscore

The underscore is a popular, but sometimes confusing, emoticon.

Summary of Key Points for the First Definition

"Confusion," "Irritation," or "Thinking" are the most common definitions for _ on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Definition:Confusion, Irritation, Thinking
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Summary of Key Points for the Second Definition

_ is also used in a number of common emoticons.
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at the Underscore Symbol

image for an academic look at the number 3

The underscore is an emoticon, which is a way to show emotion in text-based communication. Emoticons consist of a small group of symbols arranged to show emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and others, using the letters, numbers, and symbols usually found on a standard keyboard in a typographic approximation of the desired illustration.

Example of _meaning Used in a Text

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