What Does BETA Mean? (Using BETA Online)

homesearch bBETA

The Quick Answer

BETA means "Pre-Release Version" and "Better."

Pre-Release Version

BETA (pronounced "beeta") is widely used to refer to a prototype of a program, mobile app or game which is considered ready for release. BETA versions are distributed to a limited number of users for testing in a real-world environment in order to check for bugs and glitches before general release.


BETA is also used as an abbreviation for the word "Better," as in "superior to" or "recovered from." "Better" is also often abbreviated as BTR.

Examples of BETA in Sentences

Here are examples of BETA in conversations:
  • Boss: We need to get the new game released in time to catch the festive sales.
  • Geek: No problem. We will have the BETA version ready for release by the end of this week.
  • Toby: How are you feeling today?
  • Paul: Much BETA, thanks.

Image for BETA

When I write BETA, I mean this:

meaning of BETA

BETA can also mean "Better."

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Pre-Release Version
Type:Slang Word (Jargon)
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at BETA

When used to mean "Pre-Release Version," BETA is normally used an adjective, i.e., a describing word. However, when used as an abbreviation for the word "Better," BETA can be an adjective or adverb. For example:
  • I hope we have BETA weather for the weekend.
  • (Here, BETA is an adjective which modifies the noun weather.)
  • We played much BETA last week, but still lost.
  • (Here, BETA is an adverb which modifies the verb played.)

Second Definition for BETA

This meaning was also noted:
Guessability:guessability level 1
1: Easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Example of BETA Used in a Text

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