What Does M2M Mean in a Text?

homesearch mM2M

The Quick Answer

The abbreviation M2M means "Machine to Machine" and "Mask to Mask." M2M is also the name of a Norwegian Pop Duo.

Machine to Machine

The abbreviation M2M refers to two machines communicating or exchanging data, without human interfacing or interaction.

Mask to Mask

M2M is used with the meaning "Mask to Mask" as a humorous way of referring to face to face Face to Face (F2F) conversations in the era of COVID-19.

Norwegian Pop Duo

M2M were a Norwegian pop duo comprising Marit Larsen and Marion Raven. Larsen and Raven were childhood friends who formed a music duo when they were eight. They adopted the name M2M in 1998, after signing a record deal with Atlantic Records. The duo split up in 2002. Many of their songs are available on YouTube.

M2M - Everything You Do

Image for M2M

When I write M2M, I mean this:

meaning of M2M

"Machine to Machine"

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Machine to Machine
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user


Second Definition of M2M

"Mask to Mask" is a COVID-19 related definition for M2M.
Definition:Mask to Mask
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Third Definition of M2M

M2M is also the name of a Norwegian Pop Duo.
Definition:Norwegian Pop Duo
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Using Numbers in Texts

This video shows the different ways that numbers are used in "text speak":

Example of M2M Used in a Text

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