What Does MANFLU Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

MANFLU means "A Man's Exaggerated Response To Symptoms Of Cold Or Flu."

More Observations...

The word MANFLU is often used by women (and sometimes by other men) to refer to "A Man's Exaggerated Response To Symptoms Of Cold Or Flu." Whilst MANFLU is typically used humorously, it can also be used pejoratively to imply that a man is deliberately exaggerating the symptoms of illness in order to elicit sympathy or avoid work. MANFLU is widely regarded as a joke condition. However, in 2017, Dr. Kyle Sue, a clinical assistant professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, suggested men may actually suffer worse and more prolonged symptoms than women when faced with the common cold or flu, due to have having weaker immune responses to respiratory viruses.

Image for MANFLU

When I write MANFLU, I mean this:

meaning of MANFLU

MANFLU is never "Just a cold."

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:A Man's Exaggerated Response To Symptoms Of Cold Or Flu
Type:Slang Word (Jargon)
Guessability:guessability level 1

1: Easy to guess

Typical Users:typical user

Adults, Teenagers, and Under 13s

Examples of MANFLU in Sentences

Here are examples of MANFLU in conversations:
  • Cheryl: How's Tom.
  • Mandy: He'll be fine. Just got a touch of MANFLU.
Two weeks later...
  • Cheryl: How's Tom now?.
  • Mandy: It wasn't MANFLU. He was rushed to hospital to have his appendix removed. He's gonna be OK.

An Academic Look at MANFLU

As it is formed by merging two words into one, MANFLU is classified as a portmanteau word. It is formed by amalgamating man and flu. (The word "flu" is an abbreviation of influenza.)

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

The word MANFLU, meaning "A Man's Exaggerated Response To Symptoms Of Cold Or Flu," predates the digital era.

Example of MANFLU Used in a Text

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