What Does NATM Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

NATM means "New Australian Tunneling Method" or "Not At The Moment."

New Australian Tunneling Method

The abbreviation NATM is used with the specialist meaning "New Australian Tunneling Method" to refer to a method of tunnel design and construction which has been widely popular since the 1960's.

Not At The Moment

NATM is more widely used with the meaning "Not At The Moment" to indicate that something is not occurring at that moment in time. NATM implies that, whilst something isn't happening at the time of sending the message, it could happen in the future. Of note, although a moment is officially defined as a very brief period of time, the phrase "Not At The Moment" is often used even when it is unlikely that a situation will change in the near future, but change is either possible or wished for. For example:
  • Is Paul there?
  • NATM.
  • (Here, NATM probably implies that Paul will be there shortly.)
  • Are you dating anyone?
  • NATM.
  • (Here, NATM probably implies that the person hopes or expects to be dating someone in the future.)

Image for NATM

When I write NATM, I mean this:

meaning of NATM

NATM also means "Not At The Moment."

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Not At The Moment
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Second Definition for NATM

NATM also means "New Australian Tunneling Method." Here is some more information about NATM in this context:
Definition:New Australian Tunneling Method
Guessability:guessability level 5

5: Extremely difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user


Examples of NATM in Sentences

Here are examples of NATM in conversations:
  • Frank: Have you got the money you owe me?
  • Jamie: NATM.
  • (Here, NATM means "Not At The Moment.")
  • Rick: The new motorway is incredible! All those tunnels must have cost a fortune!
  • Viv: They were built using NATM. But, it still wouldn't have been cheap.
  • (Here, NATM means "New Australian Tunnelling Method.")

An Academic Look at NATM

Whether used with the meaning "New Australian Tunnelling Method" or "Not At The Moment, NATM is an initialism abbreviation. Technically, this means it is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., Enn Ay Tee Emm"). However, it is not often spoken using its letters. The abbreviation NATM is actually for efficiency in writing, rather than efficiency in speech.

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we would have just said "New Australian Tunneling Method" or "Not At The Moment" instead of using the abbreviation NATM.

Example of NATM Used in a Text

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