What Does ABD Mean in a Text?

homesearch aABD

The Quick Answer

ABD (Already Been Done) can be used to declare that a task does not need doing as it has already been completed.

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ABD can also be used to quash someone's "good" idea. For example:
  • Tony: I going to invent a bag-less vacuum cleaner.
  • Jordan: ABD.
More crudely, ABD can also be a laddish response after being shown a pretty girl. For example:
  • Tony: She is stunning.
  • Jordan: ABD.

Image for ABD

When I write ABD, I mean this:

meaning of ABD

This image shows a full checklist of tasks that have already been done.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Already Been Done
Guessability:guessability level 5
5: Extremely difficult to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of ABD in Sentences

Here are some examples of ABD in sentences:
  • Can you tell me whether the plastering has ABD ?
  • (Here, ABD is in its literal sense.)
  • Tony: How about starting a restaurant that only sells chicken?
  • Jordan: Are you serious? ABD.
  • (Here, ABD is quashing an idea.)
  • Tony: Check her out. Go and chat her up.
  • Jordan: ABD.
  • (Here, ABD is a laddish response suggesting he already knows the girl intimately.)

An Academic Look at ABD

ABD is typically used in the present perfect tense, where it is preceded by the verb has (for singular a subject) or have (for a plural subject). As it is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., "Ay Bee Dee"), ABD is classified as an initialism abbreviation. (Of note, initialisms are different to acronyms, which are spoken like words.)

Example of ABD Used in a Text

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