What Does FFI Mean in a Text?

homesearch fFFI

The Quick Answer

FFI means "For Further Information."

More Observations...

The abbreviation FFI usually forms part of a longer phrase (e.g., "FFI, please contact me") and is a useful way to conclude a communication. It lets someone know that more information on a subject is available if needed. The abbreviation FFI is also sometimes used with the meaning "For The Fun Of It," which means that something is being done just because it's enjoyable.

Image for FFI

When I write FFI, I mean this:

meaning of FFI

FFI means more information is available.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:For Further Information
Guessability:guessability level 5
5: Extremely difficult to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of FFI in Sentences

Here are examples of FFI in conversations:
  • Charlie: I've got my ticket for the festival, but it doesn't say anything about parking.
  • Fergus: Read the small print, it says FFI check out their website.
  • Sue: Thank you for my new laptop. I'm not sure how it all works.
  • Tony: There's a few instructions with it, but FFI you should ring their Head Office.

An Academic Look at FFI

The abbreviation FFI is an adverbial phrase; i.e., two or more words which play the role of an adverb.

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we might have said something like "For More Information" or even just "For Further Information" instead of using the abbreviation FFI.

Example of FFI Used in a Text

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