What Does NSFW Mean in a Text?

homesearch nNSFW
image for NSFW showing caution sign

NSFW means "Not Safe For Work." It can also mean "Not Suitable For Work." It is typically sent in the title of a message to let the recipient know it should not be viewed in an environment where it could be seen by colleagues, as the content could cause offense. Messages that are NSFW typically contain adult humor or pornographic images. For example:

  • Ali: Send me the pictures you took last night.
  • Sam: They're on the way. Be careful with them! I've put NSFW in the title.
  • Lee: Toni has sent me an email with some great jokes. I'll send it to you.
  • Terry: Great! But mark it NSFW so it will be filtered into my personal account.
Other abbreviations with the a similar meaning to NSFW include:
  • NSFA - "Not Safe For Anyone."
  • NSFL - "Not Safe For Life."
  • NSFV - "Not Safe For Viewing."
  • NWS - "Not Work Safe."
Personal messages that can be viewed in a work environment are sometimes marked as SFW ("Safe For Work").

Image for NSFW

When I write NSFW, I mean this:

meaning of NSFW

He should not have opened that message marked NSFW!

Summary of Key Points for the First Definition

"Not Safe for Work" is the most common definition for NSFW in texting and on messaging apps like TikTok and Instagram.
Definition:Not Safe for Work
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Summary of Key Points for the Second Definition

NSFW is also defined as "Not Suitable for Work."
Definition:Not Suitable for Work
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at NSFW

NSFW is classified as an initialism abbreviation, as it is pronounced one letter at a time. Other examples of initialisms are AI ("Artificial Intelligence") and EW ("Electronic Warfare"). Initialisms are different to acronyms, which are abbreviations spoken as words (e.g., GOAT ("Greatest Of All Time"), NATO ("North Atlantic Treaty Organization").

Example of NSFW Used in a Text

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