What Does WUM Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

WUM means "Wind Up Merchant."

More Observations...

A "Wind-Up Merchant" (or WUMMER) is a joker or prankster who enjoys teasing other people or playing tricks on them. A WUMMER usually regards their WUMMING as fun. However, the teasing can sometimes be malicious and is almost always irritating for the person being WUMMED. For example:
  • Toni: Mum says you've gotta stay home and look after Jake this Friday.
  • Jordan: What?! She know I'm going to Ali's party! I am going to tell her I can't! She can't make me! It's not fair!
  • Toni: Only joking. They are going to Gran's for the weekend.
  • Jordan: You are a complete WUM. I hate you!
  • Sam: Lee went on a date with a bunch of models last night.
  • Jo: Wow, really?!
  • Sam: Yeah, he was at the meeting of the toy car owners club.
  • Jo: You're such a WUM!
WUMMING done online (e.g., in chat rooms or comments sections of newspaper articles) is more typically referred to as TROLLING. The term "Wind-Up Merchant" is thought to be based on the action of winding up a clock or other clockwork device to get it going.

Image for WUM

When I write WUM, I mean this:

meaning of WUM

A wind-up merchant is a joker or prankster.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Wind-Up Merchant
Guessability:guessability level 3
3: Guessable
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at WUM

WUM is typically used as a noun (i.e., a naming word). However, WUM can also be used to form a verb (a doing word) and a gerund (a noun formed from a verb). For example:
  • He's a WUM.
  • (Here, WUM is being used as a noun.)
  • He's always WUMMING people at work. He even WUMMED the boss yesterday.
  • (Here, WUM is being used as a gerund and a verb.)

Example of WUM Used in a Text

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