What Does BHS Mean in a Text?

homesearch bBHS

The Quick Answer

BHS means "Be Home Soon" and "British Home Stores."

More Detail...

BHS is typically used in text-based communications to mean "Be Home Soon." It announces that the sender will be home shortly. It is often sent in response to a question about likely time of arrival, or as a follow up to BHL8 ("Be Home Late"), which announces that the sender has been delayed. BHS can also mean "British Home Stores," a British department store chain founded in 1928, which ceased to trade in August 2016. In October 2016, the House of Commons of the British Parliament recommended that the former owner of BHS, the billionaire Philip Green, be stripped of his knighthood due to his apparent mishandling of the company's pension scheme.

Image for BHS

When I write BHS, I mean this:

meaning of BHS

BHS typically mean "Be Home Soon." It can also mean "British Home Stores."

Summary of Key Points

"Be Home Soon" is, by far, the most common meaning for BHS when it is used in a text. (Bear in mind that it could have another meaning if used in a different context.)
Definition:Be Home Soon
Guessability:guessability level 3
3: Guessable
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of BHS in Sentences

Here are examples of BHS in conversations:
  • Husband: Hello, darling. Sorry I'm late. BHS.
  • Wife: No problem. Your dinner is in the dog.
  • Wayne: I am going Russia to watch England in the soccer World Cup.
  • Angus: You'll BHS then.

An Academic Look at BHS

BHS is an initialism abbreviation. Technically, this means it is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., Bee Aitch Ess). When used to mean "British Home Stores," BHS is usually uttered using its letters. However, when used to mean "Be Home Soon," BHS is used for efficiency in writing and not efficiency in speech.

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we might have said something like "back soon" or "on my way" instead of using the abbreviation BHS to mean "Be Home Soon."

Second Definition for BHS

This meaning was also noted:
Definition:British Home Stores
Guessability:guessability level 4
4: Difficult to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Example of BHS Used in a Text

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