What Does Cum Mean in a Text?

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Definition of Cum

The word "cum" is informal slang for semen or the act of ejaculation.

Check out our complete guide to sex and dating terms.

Image for CUM

meaning of CUM

Cum is used to refer to both semen and the act of ejaculation.

Summary of Key Points

Cum (Definition 1)
Type:Word (Slang)
Guessability:guessability level 1

1: Easy to guess

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Cum (Definition 2)
Definition:To Ejaculate
Type:Word (Slang)
Guessability:guessability level 1

1: Easy to guess

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at Cum

image for academic look, showing a teacher with a mortar board

"Cum" is a slang term. Slang is informal language that consists of words, phrases, and uses of language that are often restricted to a specific context or a particular group of users. It is not typically used in formal or professional settings.

When used to mean semen, "cum" is a noun. Nouns represent objects, people, places, or abstract concepts. They can be common (dog, city) or proper (John, Paris), and function as subjects or objects in sentences.

When used to mean ejaculate, "cum" is a verb. Verbs describe actions (run, write), states (exist, believe), or occurrences (happen, develop). They change form based on tense, person, and number, playing a crucial role in sentence structure.

Example of CUM Used in a Text

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