What Does Quiet Firing Mean?

homesearch qQUIET FIRING

The Quick Answer

Quiet Firing means "surreptitiously forcing an employee to quit."

More Detail...

Quiet Firing refers to actions taken by an employer to surreptitiously coerce an unwanted employee into quitting their job voluntarily. Such actions could include:
  • Denying the employee promotion or increases in wages and/or benefits.
  • Allocating them tasks and responsibilities above or below their level of expertise or responsibility.
  • Micromanaging the simplest tasks.
  • Allocation of an unsuitable workspace.
Quiet Firing has the advantage for the employer of reducing their liability for severance pay and other benefits. However, in work environments where there is strong labor union representation, it can be a very risky tactic. The opposite of Quiet Firing is Quiet Quitting.

Image for Quiet Firing

When I write Quiet Firing, I mean this:

meaning of Quiet Firing

Quiet Firing is an unfair business practice.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Quiet Firing
Definition:Surreptitiously Forcing an Employee To Quit
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user


An Academic Look at Quiet Firing

Quiet Firing is a neologism (i.e., a newly coined word or phrase which has emerged into everyday use). A neologism can be:
  • A new meaning for an existing word (e.g., mood, sick).
  • A completely new word (e.g., oversharers).
  • A new combination of existing words (e.g., digital detox).

Example of Quiet Firing Used in a Text

Quiet Firing
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