What Does ROFLCOPTER Mean in a Text?

homesearch rROFLCOPTER

The Quick Answer

ROFLCOPTER means "Rolling On Floor Laughing, Rotating Like A Helicopter."

More Observations...

The slang term ROFLCOPTER is a superlative of the abbreviation ROTFL (Rolling On Floor Laughing). It is used to express extreme amusement. ROFLCOPTER is believed to have originated in a forum for the online game Warcraft. It subsequently went viral and there are now many GIFs and MEMEs online with animated images of a ROFLCOPTER made up from keyboard characters, including this one on YouTube:

ROFLCOPTER is one of many terms used to indicate extreme amusement. Others include: As with nearly all such terms, ROFLCOPTER is just as likely to be used sarcastically as to demonstrate genuine amusement.


When I write ROFLCOPTER, I mean this:

meaning of ROFLCOPTER

ROFLCOPTER can express genuine amusement, or be used sarcastically.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Rolling On Floor Laughing, Rotating Like A Helicopter
Guessability:guessability level 3
3: Guessable
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of ROFLCOPTER in Sentences

Here are examples of ROFLCOPTER in conversations:
  • Ryan: I have kleptomania. But, when it gets bad I take something for it.
  • Nadeem: Ha ha. ROFLCOPTER. Not!
  • (Here, ROFLCOPTER indicates sarcasm.)
  • Alfie: I have just read a book about Stockholm Syndrome. It started off badly but, by the end, I really liked it.
  • Muhammad: ROFLCOPTER!
  • (Here, ROFLCOPTER indicates genuine amusement.)

An Academic Look at ROFLCOPTER

ROFLCOPTER is a combination of the initialism abbreviation "ROFL" and part of the word "helicopter." Effectively, it is an unofficial portmanteau word (i.e., two words merged into one). Other examples of portmanteau words are SMOG (from smoke and fog) and MUPPET (from marionette and puppet).

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we might have said something like "Very Funny" or "I Split My Sides Laughing" instead of using ROFLCOPTER.

Example of ROFLCOPTER Used in a Text

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