What Does BTB Mean?

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The Quick Answer

BTB means "Bring That Booty," "By The By," and "Bite The Bullet."

Bring That Booty

On social media and chat forums, BTB is often used with the meaning "Bring That Booty." It is an exclamation of excitement, typically used by young men when a girl agrees to a date. For example:
  • Jordan: I'll be there in an hour.
  • Ali: Great! BTB!

By The By

BTB also means "By The By" (meaning "incidentally" or "by the way"). In this context, BTB is typically used to introduce a question or statement that is not usually directly related to the topic being discussed at that moment. For example:
  • Sam: Can you give me a lift to work tomorrow?
  • Toni: No problem. BTB, do you know Jordan is seeing Ali behind Lee's back?
BTB is used in exactly the same way as BTW ("By The Way").

Bite The Bullet

BTB can also mean "Bite The Bullet" (meaning "to do something difficult or unpleasant that one might prefer to put off"). For example:
  • Jordan: I will tell Lee as soon as I can.
  • Rob: You can't keep putting it off. You have to BTB and get it over with.

Image for BTB

When I write BTB, I mean this:

meaning of BTB

"Bring That Booty"

Summary of Key Points for the First Definition

"Bring That Booty" is a common definition for BTB on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Definition:Bring That Booty
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user
Adults and Teenagers

Summary of Key Points for the Second Definition

"By The By" is another common definition for BTB.
Definition:By The By
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Summary of Key Points for the Third Definition

BTB also means "Bite The Bullet."
Definition:Bite The Bullet
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user
Adults and Teenagers

Example of BTB Used in a Text

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