What Does OTD Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

OTD means "On This Day," "On The Dot," and "Out The Door."

More Detail...

The abbreviation OTD has several definitions. Below are the most common meanings for OTD used online.

On This Day

When OTD is used with the meaning "On This Day" it is often seen as #OTD (i.e., with a hashtag). It is used to remind people of anniversaries. For example:
  • January 16. #OTD in 2012, students marked Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a peace march.

On The Dot

OTD is also used with the meaning "On The Dot" (i.e., precisely). For example:
  • I'll be there at 12.00 pm, OTD.

Out The Door

OTD is used in sales and marketing with the meaning "Out The Door." It is typically used to refer to the price of an item after all compulsory extra costs are taken into account. OTD is commonly used in the car industry as a synonym for OTR (On The Road) (i.e., everything you need to drive the car away: registration fees, compulsory taxes, etc). For example:
  • The OTD price is $25,000.

Image for OTD

When I write OTD, I mean this:

meaning of OTD

OTD also means "Out The Door" and "On The Dot."

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:On This Day (usually seen as #OTD)
Guessability:guessability level 2
3: Guessable
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Second Definition for OTD

"On The Dot" is another common meaning for OTD.
Definition:On The Dot
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Third Definition for OTD

"Out The Door" is another definition for OTD.
Definition:Out the Door
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of OTD in Sentences

Here are examples of OTD in conversations:
  • Simon: It's 10 January today! #OTD in 2016 David Bowie died.
  • Tina: He was the best.
  • (Here's OTD means "On This Day.")
  • Salesman: That is the OTD price!
  • Potential Customer: Well, let's talk about that.
  • (Here, OTD means "Out The Door.")
  • Shop keeper: That comes to ten dollars, OTD.
  • Jokey Customer: Great. Here's two fives. Keep the change.
  • (Here, OTD means "On The Dot.")

An Academic Look at OTD

OTD is an initialism abbreviation. This means it is pronounced using its individual letters. In all three meanings, OTD is used like an adverbial phrase.

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we might have said something like, "On this day in history" instead of using the abbreviation OTD with the meaning "On This Day."

Example of OTD Used in a Text

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