What Does GMS Mean?

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The Quick Answer

GMS means "Good Morning Streaks" on Snapchat and "General Mobile Services" in the technology and mobile industry.

More Detail...

Of course, most people are searching for the meaning of this abbreviation as they have encountered it on the social media app, so in this article we will explain everything you need to know about what GMS means on Snapchat. However, we'll also explain a little about what it means in the world of tech.

What Are GMS on Snapchat?

image for GMS showing the Snapchat logo

GMS on Snapchat are "Good Morning Streaks." These are personalized messages shared among users to greet each other at the start of the day. Typically, these snaps include images or videos featuring morning scenes, text overlays, or creative filters, embodying a friendly and engaging way to say "Good Morning."

Why Do People Send Them?

Users typically send GMS to everyone in their streak list, with the explicit purpose of keeping that streak going. They are intended to maintain connections, spread positivity, and maintain or improve a user's Snapchat score..

How Should You Reply to a GMS?

Unless the continuation of a streak is in jeopardy, you don't need to reply to a GMS. So, if you’ve sent the user a snap in the past 24 hours, you can relax, as the streak is preserved. However, if the 24 hours are about to expire, sending your own GMS will keep the streak going.

Other Points About Streaks on Snapchat

GMS usually means "Good Morning Streaks," but is sometimes expanded as "Good Morning Snaps." The abbreviation GNS ("Good Night Streaks/Snaps") is used in the same way.

What Are GMS in Tech?

image for GMS showing a computer network

In the technology and mobile industry, GMS means "General Mobile Services." These are a collection of Google applications and APIs that help support functionality across devices. These services include Google Play services, Google Maps, Gmail, and others, and are typically used in Android devices.

Image for GMS

When I write GMS, I mean this:

meaning of GMS

GMS us a popular abbreviation on Snapchat

Summary of Key Points for the First Definition

"Good Morning Streaks/Snaps" is the most common definition for GMS on social media, especially on Snapchat.
Definition:Good Morning Streaks/Snaps
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Summary of Key Points for the Second Definition

"General Mobile Services" is another definition for GMS.
Definition:General Mobile Services
Guessability:guessability level 5

5: Extremely difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user


An Academic Look at GMS

GMS is classified as an initialism abbreviation, as it is pronounced one letter at a time. Other examples of initialisms are AI ("Artificial Intelligence") and EW ("Electronic Warfare"). Initialisms are different to acronyms, which are abbreviations spoken as words (e.g., GOAT ("Greatest Of All Time"), NATO ("North Atlantic Treaty Organization").

Example of GMS Used in a Text

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