What Does IJBOL Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

IJBOL means "I Just Burst Out Laughing."

More Observations...

IJBOL is an abbreviation of the phrase "I just burst out laughing." It is usually typed as "ijbol," but is actually used as an acronym, pronounced "eej-bol." (If you're confused about the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym, see below.)

Ijbol has been around for a long time, but it has recently gone viral on social media, as yet another alternative to good old (but very outdated) lol and the (also now outdated) "face with tears of joy" emoji.

Image for IJBOL

When I write IJBOL, I mean this:

meaning of IJBOL Ijbol is pronounced "eej-bol."

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:I Just Burst Out Laughing
Type:Abbreviation and Acronym
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user
Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at IJBOL

IJBOL is both an initialism abbreviation and an acronym. It is an initialism because it can be pronounced one letter at a time, but it is also an acronym, as it is formed by taking the initial letters of the words "I Just Burst Out Laughing" and pronouncing them together as a single word, "eej-bol." Other examples of acronyms are:
  • NASA - "National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
  • UNICEF - "United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund."
Acronyms are often used as shorthand in many professional fields, such as technology, business, medicine, and government, as well as in general chat. They can help save time and space when communicating, especially when talking about complex or technical information. Other examples of initialism abbreviations are:
  • BYO - "Bring Your Own."
  • GV - "Good Vibe."

Example of IJBOL Used in a Text

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