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Cyber Definitions Beginning with J

Category J (mentally unstable person)
Jehovah's Witness
Just to Let You Know (see also J2LYK)
Just to Let You Know (see also J2LUK)
Just for Fun
Just for Laughs
Yes (German)
Increase, Masturbate, Steal or Rob
Nothing or Anything at All
Just a Friend
A Socially Inept Person
To Crack an iPhone
Just a Minute
I Know
Jewish American Princess, Person from Asia (derogatory term)
Just Always Pray at Night
Korean Noodles
US Marine
Just a Second
Just a Thought
Just Answer the Question, Just Asking the Question
Programming Language
Yes (with a connotation of German military)
Jail Bait
Just Being Honest
Just Between Us
Just Be Yourself
Jesus Christ
Just Checking/Curious
Just Chillin'
Jack Daniel's
Just Do It
Just Doesn't Look Right
Did You Eat?
Expression of Annoyance or Surprise (see also JHEEZE)
People Who Type Stupidly
Genitalia, Heroin
To Leave in a Hurry
Curly Jewish Hair Style
Jesus F*cking Christ and Just For Clarification
Just for Fun
American President John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York
Just for Kicks
Just for Now
Just for Today
Just for The Record
Just for You
Just for Your Information
Juicy Gossip
Just Got Back
Just Got Home
Just Google It
Just Get Lost
Jesus H Christ
Expression of Annoyance or Surprise (see also JEEZ)
Jacketed Hollow Point (a type of bullet)
Sort of
Just in Case
Just in Case You Didn't Know
Cocaine, Moment
Black People, Chocolate Sprinkles
To Rip Off
Child or Teenager, Just In Time, Juvenile In Training
Just Joking
Just Kidding
Just Kidding Loser
Just Let Me Know
Jennifer Lopez
Just Like That
Just Letting You Know
Jesus Loves You
Just Letting You Know
Just Messing
Just Messing Around
Just My Humble Opinion
Just My Luck
Just My Opinion
Just Making Sure
Just My Thoughts
Just Now
Making Fun of Someone
A Person Who Copies Another's Style
Joy of Missing Out
A Name for Any Person
Cannabis Cigarette
Just out of Curiosity
Jean Shorts
A Journalist Condescendingly Explaining a Complicated Issue to a Subject Matter Expert
Just Playing
Just Playing Around
Joint Photographic Experts Group (image format)
Image Fle Format
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Japanese Role Playing Game
Joint Service
Just Saying
Just Shoot Me Now
Java Server Pages, Just Playing
Just Shut Up
Just So You Know
Just So You Know
Just Too Bad
Join the Club
Just to Let You Know
Just to Let You Know
Je t'aime (French for "I love you")
Just Thinking out Loud
Just Thinking of You
Just to Tell You
Just Thought You Should Know
Jumping Up And Down
Large Breasts
Power, Respect
Luck, Magic
US Federal Holiday Commemorating Emancipation of Slaves
Urban Area, Urban Music Genre
Male Genitalia, Heroin
Junior Varsity
Just Wondering
Just Wait and See
Job Well Done
Just a Wild Guess
Just Wanted to Know
Just Wanted to Let You Know
Just Woke Up
Just Was Wondering
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