Search Definitions Beginning with E
Cyber Definitions Beginning with E
Everyone (Game Classification), Ecstasy (Drug)
Errors and Omissions Excluded
Careful Editing of social media posts so they serve as an online dating profile.
Extended Range Electric Vehicle
Ear to Ear Grin
Adult-Oriented Website, Monosodium Glutamate
Each, Electronic Arts, Electronic Attack
End of Active Service
Chilled and Relaxed
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness
Perform Oral Sex on a Girl or Woman
Rude Dismissal or Rebuke
Eyeball, To See
Error Between Chair and Keyboard
End of Business Day
Dark Skin
Electronic Boy
Electronic Benefits Transfer
Anime & Manga Soft Porn
Stimulant Drug
Etcetera (misspelling of etc.)
Electronic Control Unit
Online dating
Eating Disorder, Erectile Dysfunction
Every Day Carry
Enhanced Due Diligence, Estimated Delivery Date
Email address
Point Just Before Orgasm
Cutting edge, Nervous
Energy Drink Junkie
Electronic Dance Music
Eastern Daylight Time, Estimated Delivery Time
European Economic Area
Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness
European Economic Community
Error, Oh or Yes
Electroencephalogram, Extremely Evil Grin
Expression of Surprise (with a negative connotation)
Equal Employment Opportunity
Edited for Accuracy
Epic Fail Guy
English as a Foreign Language
Electronic Funds Transfer
European Free Trade Association
Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale
Evil Grin, For Example
Electronic Girl
Eat It
Enough Is Enough
Dismiss or Reject, Pound of Cannabis
Viral Tiktok Meme
Everybody Love Everybody
Every Lady's Fantasy
Every Little Helps (Tesco's slogan)
Explain Like I'm 5
Electronic Intelligence
Electric Light Orchestra
Evil Laugh Out Loud
Email, Them
E-mail Address
Every Man a Wildcat
Master of Ceremonies
Emocore, Emotional
Small Image Inserted into Text to Represent an Emotion or Object
Graphical Representation of Emotion
Electromagnetic Pulse
Emergency Medical Service
Emergency Medical Technician
Area where you live
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
I Agree
South Korean Boy Band
Complicated Romantic Relationship
European Code for Food Additives
End of Business, Explanation of Benefits
End of Chat, End of Conversion
End of Day, End of Discussion, Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Equal Opportunity Employer
End of File
End of Grade
End of Lecture
End of Message
End of Play
End of Rant
End of Show
End of Thread
End of the Day
End of the World
End of the World As We Know It
End of Watch, End of Week
Electronic Protection, Expansion Pack, Extended Play
European Political Community
Absolute Disaster, Complete Failure
Epic Win
English Premier League
Electronic Point of Sale
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
Easy Quick Efficient
Emergency Room, Errr (Thinking)
Phase of Life
Extended Range Electric Vehicle
To Annoy
Errr (thinking)
Erotic Role Play
Electronic Support, Enough Said, Spain
European Space Agency
Everyone Snap Back, The Empire Strikes Back
Escape Key
Electrostatic Discharge
Environmental, Social and Governance
Everyone Sucks Here
English as a Second Language
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Extra Sensory Perception
Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
Entertainment Software Rating Board
Eastern Standard Time, Established
Easier Said Than Done
Basque Separatist Movement, Electronic Travel Authorization, Estimated Time of Arrival
Estimated Time of Departure
Economic and Technological Development Zone
Exchange Traded Fund
Ether (Cryptocurrency)
A Local Network of PCs and Peripherals
Enjoy the Weekend
European Union
End User Agreement
Excellent Used Condition
End User Licence Agreement
Electric Vehicle
Evil Laugh
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extremely Very Well Endowed
Electronic Warfare, Everywhere, Expression of Disgust
Everything Will Be All Right
Exclamation of Disgust
Former Partner
Executable Computer File
Exposition or Exhibition
Extremely Over The Top
To Look At, To Meet in Person
Hey You
Easy Peasy
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
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